Quick Start Guide

Technical Overview

The Syntmon application is comprised of four parts:

  • The web frontend
  • The backend service
  • An InfluxDB (version 1.8) for storing all file information
  • A MySQL Database (version 5.7) for application configuration, logging, and authentication

The frontend and backend components are provided by BrythonicBytes as Docker containers, the database components are provided by third parties and can be setup according to your use case.

The default root password is “Brythonic@1”

Quick Install Walkthrough

This covers how to quickly set up Syntmon for evaluation using Docker on Linux. Here we walk through the install process, host addition, manual report uploading, alert creation, API key creation, and automated report uploading.

Web Frontend

The web frontend runs on port 80, it takes no environment variables, and it requires the backend to be accessible no the same port and URI.



Backend Service

The backend service is responsible for accepting data from clients, processing information, and serving content for web frontend users.


The required environment variables are:

INFLUXDB_HOSTThe InfluxDB endpoint“”
DOMAIN_NAMEThe domain name that the backend API (and web frontend) are accessible on“syntmon.example.com”



MYSQLDB_USERA username for accessing the MYSQL database



MYSQLDB_PASSWORDThe corresponding password for MYSQLDB_USER


MYSQLDB_PORTThe corresponding port for MYSQLDB_HOST“3306”

Quick Start Configs

Client Configuration

Configuring clients to produce and upload reports to Syntmon requires Aide and cURL to be installed along with the ability to POST data to the backend. A suitable Aide configuration to scan all files on a system is:
/ p+u+g+sha512
After generating an API key from the users page within the web frontend, this can then be automated from crontab with something like:  
aide -ic /etc/aide.conf&&mv /var/db/aide.db.new /var/db/aide.db&&curl -k -XPOST https://<ENDPOINT>/api/v1/upload-report -H"content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H'Accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer <APIKEY>" -Ftype="aidelogfile" -Fdata=@/var/db/aide.db -Fhost=$(hostname -f)
Since Aide does not run on Windows, this limits Syntmon clients to Linux and any modern Unix.
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